I recently underwent scoliosis corrective surgery with an amazing surgical team lead by Dr. Richard Francis of Spine Associates. I had suffered with mild scoliosis for most of my life, but, unmonitored, it had progressed to a severe degree. Dr. Francis answered all of my questions about the risks and rewards of surgery and explained everything I need (and wanted) to know about the procedure. He even entertained me when I grilled him on his education and experience. The day of the surgery, I was comforted by the doctors and nurses in the pre-op room and really felt as though I was in good hands. Immediately after my eight-hour surgery, Dr. Francis visited my parents in the waiting room and answered all of my mother’s questions. After the surgery, I was up walking the next day. I was released from the hospital a day early and went back to work after only four weeks. I credit Dr. Francis for my speedy recovery and for doing such an incredible job on my spine. My surgery and recovery was a “textbook” example and I owe it all to Dr. Francis and his amazingly talented team of doctors and nurses. Six months later, all that reminds me of the surgery is a thin scar, a straighter, more even back and the brace in the back of my closet that I wore immediately after my surgery. Today I am active and feel no physical limitations or pain. I dance, wear high heels, go to the gym and just took up golf! I know that if I had foregone surgery, I would have signed myself for a lifetime of pain and disability. The worst thing I remember about the surgery was wearing the brace afterwards… made of plastic… in July… in Houston. Not too bad, considering the surgery! Thank you Dr. Francis. To do what you do and to do it so well is truly a gift to the world.
Sonia Bradley – Houston, TX