I had a herniated disk pressing on the sciatic nerve going down the right leg. The pain came from multiple points from the hip to the toes any time I was sitting or standing. Pain medication had little effect. I had a MRI done and was able to get an appointment scheduled within two weeks of the call. Dr. Francis came into the waiting area and introduced himself while I was in the waiting area. Within 30 minutes of arrival I was escorted to a examining room by friendly and courteous staff. My basic medical history was taken and then Dr. Francis entered and had the staff read the medical history. Clarification and questions were asked by the staff and my family. Dr. Francis then took us to review the MRI and explained the MRI in detail. He pointed out the herniated disk and explained what had to be done. He also explained how long it would take. Any questions about other disks were answered. There was no pressure to have this surgery. Once I agreed to surgery, I was put through a surgery review, which included an EKG with involvement of a cardiologist. I my case the EKG was questionable so I was put through a nuclear stress test and echocardiogram before I was cleared for surgery. I was scheduled for within 4 days of clearance. My surgery and release was around Three hours. Other than the minor sting of knowing that I had an incision, I experienced no pain. My only sensation that remained after surgery was a slight numbness on the bottom of my foot. This appears to be getting better the more I walk and I was able to get up and walk to the car after surgery. Within 24hrs of surgery I was walking around the house for more than 30 minutes without pain. I am completely pleased with the whole process. The staff were helpful with the medical and insurance questions. The only area of frustration or concern was the fitting of the back brace to be worn after surgery. We thought the staff would fit the hardback piece and they expected us to fit it. This meant we molded the plastic back piece to a back that had just gone through surgery. We were concerned that we would mess up a back that had just been fixed. We got through this minor obstacle. My suggestion is ask for clarification when working with the staff. They are glad to help.
Michael Collier