Hello! My name is Mary Mederios. I am 62 years of age. I would like to tell you a true story. A story about me. My trouble started when I was 16 years old. I was rear-ended by a young man when I stopped at a stop sign. At the age of 17, I had my first back surgery. I had a herniated disc in my lower back. My parents were told I had two choices: live with the pain and accept the falling down, or have surgery and take a chance that I would be wheelchair-bound the rest of my life. I chose the surgery; however, it never left me wheelchair-bound. The surgery did relieve most of the pain, and I was able to live with the [rest of] the pain. Later in my life, I was rear-ended four more times by other people. Again, I went to the doctors to have my back fixed. All of the following surgeries would involve disc repair and bone fusions. After each surgery, I remained in severe pain. When returning to the doctors, I was told “the pain was all in my head, deal with it.” So I did. My problem got worse. I would hurt 24/7 and I could not stand up straight for [more than] 5 – 10 minutes after sleeping or sitting. Sometimes I would fall down. By this time I had moved to Texas. When the falling down became so frequent, I said something to my family doctor. He gave me the name of Dr. Richard Francis and I made an appointment. When I went to see Dr. Francis, I had made up my mind (after six surgeries) no more surgery. I told my story of all the previous surgeries. Dr. Francis examined me, sent me for MRI, CT scan and some kind of nerve test to see if the [previous] fusions had taken. It appeared they [had] not as I had nerve damage. Returning to Dr. Francis for the findings, he looked me straight in the eye (keep in mind I had my mind made up no more surgery) and said “I guarantee I can help you if I do surgery.” I trusted him and he was right. The surgery was done on September 20, 2006, and – 22 years after my last surgery – I have relief from my pain. I now hardly have any pain and the little pain I experience is not caused by my back. It is because for 22 years, I walked with a limp, causing a shrinking of the ligaments, tendons, etc. in your leg [that] help you walk. The spinal column consists of a spinal cord and a bundle of nerves. This bundle slipped through the L5 vertebrae and S1, cutting off the nerve endings. Only two weeks after my surgery I stand up straight, sit up straight and walk with a longer stride (not baby steps) and at a faster pace. The pain that I am having is the result of favoring my leg. My muscles, ligaments and what else moves the legs had shrunk and now must be stretched back to a normal position. Am I glad I had the surgery? Would I do it again? YES, BUT ONLY IF DR. FRANCIS WOULD AGREE TO BE MY SURGEON.
Mary Mederios – Houston, TX