I suffered from horrible low back, hip and thigh pain for over 6 months. I was completely bed ridden for 5 months. Trying to go from my bed to the bathroom would cause me to cry. After exhausting every option, I spoke with Dr. Francis. I was terrified of getting a fusion, so I went for a second opinion. The other surgeon agreed and suggested a fusion as well. I left the second opinion surgeon’s office with my head spinning! I immediately made an appointment with Dr. Francis. I was very scared until he came and spent 45 minutes with me explaining the surgery and why it was my only option. I left his office calm and at peace about the fusion. His office staff answered questions and checked on me until the time of the surgery, I have enjoyed working with all of them. My biggest surprise during this entire ordeal is waking up after surgery and feeling that my original pain was gone! Completely gone!! At a week and a half Post-Op I was able to go shopping and walk and enjoy my life again. I am now 2 weeks Post-Op and I have spent 2 entire days Christmas shopping. My pain is now minimal and I only take small pain relievers, very rarely. I am so thankful to Dr. Francis and his staff. After 6 long months I have my life back! I can be a mom and a wife again. This is the best Christmas. This experience has also answered that long-standing myth that once you have back pain you will always have back pain. FALSE!! I now know that never again will I lose hours of my life to back pain and having to taking it easy. I will be able to live and enjoy every minute of my life. Dr. Francis you are my hero! Thanks for the awesome staff you have picked to make this short journey a reality and an easy road.
Leslie Acker