I first met Dr. Francis in July of 2004. I knew within minutes of talking to him that I had found the right spine surgeon. I had two previous surgeons and will no longer let anyone else touch my spine. I know I am in the hands of the BEST spine surgeon around. I had an anterior/posterior lumbar fusion in August of 2004. I will never forget my sister telling me that, after waiting at the hospital all day, Dr. Francis came out and said he had finished the posterior fusion but stopped due to the length of the surgery. He explained that he would finish the anterior fusion in a few days. My sister started crying and Dr. Francis asked her why. She said, “I don’t’ want to tell her that you couldn’t finish the surgery today.” Dr. Francis told her that I was in his hands and that HE would talk to me. Sure enough, he came to talk to me. As I cried, he held my hand and told me that everything would be fine and that he would take care of me. Like he said, he was there every step of the way. I just had all the hardware removed, and I am happy to say I haven’t felt this good in 15 years! Thanks to Dr. Francis for all his hard work. I am so happy to be in the hands of Dr. Francis and Spine Associates. You truly are the BEST!! You will always and forever be in my heart!! Thank you so much!!
Kimberely Hood