When I came to Spine Associates I was desperately looking for answers and relief. Six months prior to seeing Dr. Francis, I had already undergone a 360˚ Disc Fusion, and discogram, multiple spine injections, and countless MRI’s and x-rays under a different surgeon. By the third month of post op I knew something wasn’t right because I was not progressing in physical therapy and I was in more pain than I was before the 360˚Disc Fusion surgery. The only way I could manage to get around was with the use of a walker. I couldn’t shower or get myself dressed without the use of a shower chair or help from my husband. I couldn’t drive and the ability to do basic household chores was gone. I was basically bed ridden. The only time I left the house was to go to the doctor appointments and physical therapy. At 30 years old, this is NOT the life I imagined for myself. I couldn’t be the wife and mother my family needed me to be. After my original surgeon told me another 360˚ disc fusion was needed I decided a second opinion would be beneficial. Scared and anxious I arrived for my first appointment at Spine Associates, immediately upon arrival the staff made me feel comfortable and at ease. Before seeing Dr. Francis, x-rays were taken; just steps from the patient rooms. This was very convenient and the staff was super friendly. After my first visit with Dr. Francis it was determined that further tests were needed so he could get the best understanding of the situation. These tests were done nicely and completed within a decent amount of time. Shortly after I met with Dr. Francis for results and it was determined that the original hardware placed in by the other surgeon was loose and no longer holding my spine together correctly. In addition, the two levels above the original fusion that were once fine, now needed to be fused as well. Dr. Francis chose to do a revision surgery, pulling and replacing the original hardware with larger and stronger hardware and he extended the fusion up two addition levels. With everything my body has been through in such a short time, I’ll be honest and say that recovery has been rough. Especially due to so much pain and they uncomfortable oversized back brace. There have been many nights where I cried myself to sleep or was unable to sleep at all. Despite the hardships it has all been worth it. At just 3 months’ post op I could walk without the use of the walker I had been using for a year. Now at 5 months’ post op I can say that physical therapy is getting easier and I am finally driving again. I am now able to shower and get dressed on my own; which to some might not mean much but to me it’s huge! It feels great getting back my independence. I know I still have a way to go before I am 100% but for the first time since June 2015 I can see a light shining at the end of the tunnel. I know that all of this wouldn’t be possible without Dr. Francis and his staff at Spine Associates! To them I say THANK YOU! Thank you for getting me on the path to getting my life back.
Jennifer Olson – Humble, TX