My back pain started suddenly while I was walking and I had to be transported in an ambulance because my pain was so intense. I thought it was a muscle spasm, but the pain got worse instead of getting better. My pain would wake me up at night and I could barely pick up my daughter who was 6 months old at the time. I decided to see my family doctor and he recommended Spine Associates. Dr. Francis saw me on a Saturday and found that I had a large herniated disc in my low back and due to the size of the disc and the severe weakness in my leg, he recommended surgery to remove the disc that was pressing on my nerves. The surgery was very quick and as soon as I woke up I no longer felt the pain that I had before. It was immediate relief and I went home the same day. It took about a week for me to recover from surgery and I went back to my job as a dimensional engineer. Looking back, I wouldn’t do anything differently. I followed instructions and went to physical therapy and I no longer have any issues with my back or leg. I am thankful to be able to hold and play with my daughter without pain.
Andys Hernandez – Channelview, TX