Michael Collier

Michael Collier

I had a herniated disk pressing on the sciatic nerve going down the right leg. The pain came from multiple points from the hip to the toes any time I was sitting or standing. Pain medication had little effect. I had a MRI done and was able to get an appointment...
Michael Collier

Chris Fogal

I was dealing with lower lumbar back pain for approximately two (2) years. Gradually the pain got worse along with stinging pain down the back of my right leg. In November of 2013 I had an MRI done which revealed two herniated discs L4-L5 and L5-S1. Physical therapy...
Michael Collier

Stephanie Elliot Rokyta

I owe Dr. Francis everything cause the day I came in I was in severe pain & no feeling in my right side of my lower body from hip down. I have 4 kids to care for & couldn’t. Everyone I had spoke to said you don’t want surgery. Just keep doing physical...